Tuesday, November 26, 2013

BLOG: Next New

The next new type of new media? My guess would probably be on instantaneous media or networking. With Google's new glasses and a handful of other companies working on a watch with multiple capabilities, we will have the opportunity to receive information anytime, and especially anywhere. We'll have voice-activated platforms that allow assist in organizing and speaking with you throughout the day. You'll hear about where your friends are, what's happening in other countries, how the markets are in the US, and reminders of who's birthday you need to buy a gift for tomorrow. It'll almost be like a second brain - one that's solely affiliated with a constant stream of information on the internet.


  1. I, also, agree that some sort of instantaneous media or networking updating is the direction we are heading in. All our devices are interconnected with each other making our every move "news" to anyone looking or following you.

  2. I love the way you think. We may really in the future control everything by voice because we already have home phones that are connected to doors, and as soon as someone opens the door, they can hear their messages for the day. Also, we have a feature in our cell phones called "Siri" that when we talk, it does whatever we need. You are right, it is not far from now, we will start to control everything by voice, and I love the way you said "It'll almost be like a second brain..." It really can be.

  3. i like this idea a lot Brandeur! I definitely wouldn't mind having a second brain to remind me of the simple things we forget! This could truely help the individuals in college students connect with each other at all times so no one is out of the loop

  4. Interesting!! i will be the first buyer because i do forget things alot. Also it will help us organize our study load and even it can help us find driving direction(tired of gps) without typing anything... loved your idea.

  5. Very interesting! Sounds like an idea that could eventually become a personal assistant, like the one from Iron Man, Jarvis. Now if it could do your homework for you and solve complex physics problems, then it would be awesome! But, it is true we might be heading in that direction. A.I is still far from our reach, but its possible and soon we will have everything done for us with a simple command.
