Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Creativity and New Media

(Link) My Brother's Graduation Video

So for this assignment, I wanted to show the class one of the first thing's I've ever created over the internet. To give a little background story, my brother graduated about a year and a half ago and both he and I brought a camera to document the entire thing. It may not have been a big deal, but we were the first generation to graduate college in America, so everyone in our family was excited for us. We were going to just keep these stashed file along with all the photos, but I decided to make a video out our footage (mainly his) so the rest of our friends and family can enjoy it.

My brother went backpacking Asia the day after, so I decided to surprise him while he was there. It took me about 8 hours total to get a nice flow going on and work on all the transitions. It came out much better than I thought it would, and although it was time consuming, it was definitely worth it!

     *It can get corny at times. Especially the music. 

1 comment:

  1. This is extremely sweet. I see how New Media and its applications allowed you to share it with your friends and family and even to your brother who was away in a different country! Kudos to you for taking your own creativity to the stage of new media for such a heartwarming purpose.
